  • Onyebuchi Avenue Hosanna Estate, Ibro Way Ago, Okota Lagos Nigeria

Day 42:100 Days Fasting & Prayers 202

Day 42 FRI. 28TH JUNE, 2024 


Exodus 22: 18, Isaiah 41: 11-12 

Witches are agents of satan. In this context, they are attributable to wicked personalities, envious of your success and working assiduously against your progress. They vow never to see any good come to you and use negative powers to attack, divert, frustrate and terminate any blessing coming to you. In Esther 7:10 the scripture says that Haman was hanged on the gallows he had prepared for Modecai. Your evil pursuers will know the shame of defeat and those who fight against you shall die and disappear from the face of the earth according to the word of God in Isaiah 41:11-12. Your enemies shall be disgraced, disappointed and destroyed in the name of Jesus.


1. Lord, by the power in your word, let. every witch working against my life, family and business be destroyed by the power in the blood of Jesus. 

2. Oh Lord, every negative utterance and declaration of the wicked against my life be abolished in the name of Jesus. 

3. Lord, by your mercy, everything I have ever lost by the activities of the wicked be recovered and restored in the name of Jesus. 

4. Pray for our Spiritual Director, Evang. Chukwuebuka Anozie Obi and Zion Prayer Movement Outreach. 

Pray Effective Prayer Book - Prayer 19

Category Zion Ministry


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