  • Onyebuchi Avenue Hosanna Estate, Ibro Way Ago, Okota Lagos Nigeria

Day 41:100 Days Fasting & Prayers 202

Day 41 THURS. 27TH JUNE, 2024


Matthew 7:7-11, Numbers 14:28, John 16:23-24 

Prayer is the raising up of our heart and mind to God. It is a period of interaction with God. It is also a period of dialogue 

with God. During prayer you hand over your problems, predicaments, plans, desires and aspirations to God. In James 4:2B, the scripture says that you need something and have not obtained it, because you have not presented it to God in prayer. Prayer can transform your situation. Nothing is impossible to a man of prayer. He can make God to say yes, when he had said no. In John 11:38-44. Lazarus had died, but the arrival of Jesus changed the situation and brought him back to life. Isaiah 38:1-5, God sent prophet Isaiah to tell king Hezekiah that he will die and will not recover from his sickness and told him to put his house in order. The king cried to God in prayer and reminded Him that he had always been faithful. loyal and had always done what was pleasing to him. Immediately, God sent prophet Isaiah back to inform him that he has restored his life; he shall no longer die and even added 15yrs to his span. Child of God, the importance and power of prayer is inestimable. Note that there is nothing impossible to a man of prayer. This is because he can draw the attention and mercy of God towards his situation for sudden transformation, reformation,

relocation and re-alignment positively. In John 14:14 the scripture says that whatever you ask the Father in my name He will do it In John 15:7 the scripture says if you abide in me and my word abide in you, ask whatever you will and will do it. In Isaiah 65:24 the scripture says that I will answer their prayers, while they are still praying. Also, the scripture says in Numbers 14:28, that whatever I hear you say, I will do. Finally in Matthew 7:7, the scripture says, ask and you shall receive, seek and you shall find and knock and the door will be opened unto you. Because you are connected to this program, God will answer you. You shall experience Divine intervention in your situation. There will be reversal of every negative proclamation working against you. All negative powers working against you shall be neutralized in the name of Jesus. 


1. My Father, by your power, visit and intervene in my life and situation. 

2. Lord, by your power deliver me from the spirit of prayerlessness in the name of Jesus. 

3. Oh Lord, My Father, give me the spirit of prayer in the name of Jesus. 

4. Pray for our Spiritual Director, Evang. Chukwuebuka Anozie Obi and Zion Prayer Movement Outreach. 

Pray Effective Prayer Book- Prayer 17

Category Zion Ministry


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