  • Onyebuchi Avenue Hosanna Estate, Ibro Way Ago, Okota Lagos Nigeria

Day 23: 2023 100 Days Fasting & Prayer

DAY 23 SUN.11TH JUNE 2023


Psalm 11:3 Lamentation 5:7, 2Chronicle 7:14, Judges 6:25-32

Beloved your family root is your foundation. The background where you and your ancestors originated. If your family root is good by the life your ancestors lived, it will definitely attract multiple blessings. Conversely, if your foundation is faulty by the activities and sins of your ancestors, it will breed hostilities, negativities, pain, afflictions, stagnation, rise and fall etc. Specifically, that is why the scriptures says in Lamentation 5:7 that our fathers sinned and are no more, but we bear their iniquities. Child of God, under this circumstance, you need healing of your family root by calling upon the mercy of God, for forgiveness and cancellation of the consequences of the sins of your ancestors and healing of the land as promptly stated in 2Chronicles 7:14. In Judges 6:25-32, Gideon broke the evil altar in his father's house and God gave him power to defeat the enemies of his people. God will destroy the evil power in your foundations and deliver you from oppression in the name of Jesus.


1. Lord, by your power, let every foundational power militating against my success be destroyed by the power in the name of Jesus.

2. Every evil voice speaking negativities by the reason of the sins of my ancestors be permanently silenced by the blood of Jesus.

3. Oh Lord, by your mercy, heal my family roots in the name of Jesus.

4. Prayer for our Spiritual Director Evang. chukwuebuka Anozie Obi and Zion prayer movement outreach.

pray Effective Prayer Book -Prayer 29

Category Zion Ministry


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